I cannot seem to get SyncroMSP integration working.

I am having some trouble with the SyncroMSP integration. I am getting an error that “Your request has not been submitted”.

I followed the instructions on the website for RepairShopr/SyncroMSP integration:

  1. Created a new customer called Helpdesk Buttons with the email address of unregistered@helpdeskbuttons.com
  2. Created a contact for that user called Helpdesk Button with the same email address
  3. Created a portal user for that contact with the login name of unregistered@helpdeskbuttons.com and a random password
  4. Entered my SyncroMSP API URL and API Key onto the helpdeskbutton.com website

I have also verified that my API URL works: https://{mydomain}.syncromsp.com/api/v1/customers?api_key={My API Key}.


  • Can I get you to give us a call this morning at (833) 328-8866. We will try to get a Dev on the phone to look at this with you.

  • I just received an email from someone at support@helpdeskbuttons.com, and it is working now.

    The issue was the API URL. The documentation was incorrect and has been updated. the correct API URL is "{mydomain}.syncromsp.com" not "https://{mydomain}.syncromsp.com/api/v1/customers?api_key="

    The integration portion appears to be working properly now!

  • "Entered my SyncroMSP API URL"

    That may be the issue. You only should enter the domain name. "mycompany.syncromsp.com"

  • This was wrong in our documentation, It is now fixed, thanks for your help finding this.

This discussion has been closed.